the Ancestor effect

Why Your Stories Matter

“So even if we don’t perceive to like our ancestors, thinking about them still leads to a mental state that boosts intellectual performance and decision-making.”

I just read this most fascinating article about the value of knowing our family’s narrative and the ancestor effect. Apparently, just thinking about our ancestors (ancient to the not so distant) helps us be better problem solvers and live better lives.

“Recently, a clinical study reported that thinking positively about our family roots boosts emotional confidence and even intelligence.”

Are you a good ancestor? Have you started to record and save your family stories?

“…keep your ancestors close at hand. Every day, think about the people who are responsible for putting you on the planet. Consider their hard work throughout the ages, their resilience in tough times, and their ingenuity.”

To check out a full article, visit “The British Psychological Society.” After reading, be a good ancestor by recording and sharing a story from your own family’s history!

StoryCatcher® for iPhone makes it easy to get started making short video stories your loved ones will cherish for all time. Plus, you’ll be helping them become smarter and more effective in the process! You can download the app on the Apple App Store.

Download StoryCatcher® On The Apple App Store

Easily create and share personal video stories. Your privacy is number one with us. Once you download the app, you have 100% control over your media and data!



Personal Historian | Video Producer

April Bell has been capturing people’s life stories in The San Francisco Bay Area and across the U.S. since 2008. Her work has been written about in WIRED,  The New York Times, USA Today, and elsewhere. She is proud co-creator of StoryCatcher® for iOS.

Learn more about her personal storytelling work at

“StoryCatcher® is a wonderful development in the evolution of how we record, structure, and save [video] histories.”

Liz Massey, Professional Oral Historian

"StoryCatcher® is more than a home movie and more than just a slide show. This app allows you to showcase small pieces of your ... life in high quality videos without having to know any of the skills of a video editor!"

Shannon Combs Bennet, The In-depth Genealogist

"Even iPhone apps are being used to create ethical wills. April Bell, who owns a video storytelling business called Tree of Life Legacies, codeveloped the ethical will app StoryCatcher® for iPhone use."

The New York Times, Story: Ethical Wills In The Tech Age