family history storytelling: How Valuable Are Your Loved Ones’ Stories?

Fostering Resilience in Children

Family history storytelling? What if I told you there was a way you could contribute to the happiness and resilience of your children and their children? Would you do it? What would it have meant if someone had done that for you?

StoryCatcher® for iOS is a delightful tool to help families do this.

Recent happiness research has proved children who know their family narrative exhibit more resilience, and a stronger sense of love and belonging. Children unaware of their predecessors tend to be more challenged in these areas. It has been proved that our children benefit from knowing not only our triumphs, but also our struggles and how we persevered.

Children who know their family narrative exhibit more resilience, and a stronger sense of love and belonging than children who don’t. Family history storytelling helps to create a stable sense of self.

This knowledge has deepened my commitment to reaching more people and making the process of capturing, saving, and sharing one’s personal stories fun, engaging, and something that is enriching to all.

A life story saved in a way that it can be passed on to future generations is the best gift anyone can leave for their children, grandchildren, and generations to come. It’s the most personal gift, the gift with the most meaning, the gift that only the storyteller can give. Give the gift of family history storytelling.

A life story saved in a way that it can be passed on to future generations is the best gift

Stories can be saved in print, audio, or video, but what I love about working in video is witnessing the essence of a person, seeing that sparkle in the eye, hearing the inflection of his voice, watching that moment when she recalls a joyful or poignant memory, and the tears begin to well. Seeing that, capturing it on film . . . it’s irreplaceable.

Once those precious life moments are saved for all time and the family receives it—really understands the importance of what we have achieved . . . that’s priceless.

My client Michael Rosa deeply understood the value of the work a personal historian does and wants everyone to know why saving his mom’s story was important to him.

What would this mean to your loved ones to have their lives, their stories, their beliefs and blessings honored in this way? Don’t wait another day. You know how valuable YOUR loved one’s story is . . . don’t you?

family history storytelling

S t o r y C a t c h e r | for iOS is a fantastic family history storytelling tool and a way to get started saving and sharing the stories of your life and love.

*The header photo is my grandfather, Urban Wallace, in one of his signature poses — somewhere in California’s High Sierra Mountains. I will guess my grandmother, Lillian Wallace, deserves photo credit.

Download StoryCatcher® On The Apple App Store

Easily create and share personal video stories. Your privacy is number one with us. Once you download the app, you have 100% control over your media and data!

My Life in Paragaphs Card Deck

My Life in Paragraphs Card Deck

Provocative Story Prompts

StoryCatcher® comes with great story prompts already loaded inside the app. Simply tap on “Interview Tips.” If you’re wanting to go deeper, we’ve repurposed our “My Life in Paragraphs” card deck into a book. It will helps you craft a true legacy video. Go for it and create a full documentary when using the “Collections” feature.  Get your prompts now.

Live & Online Retreats

Join April Bell in engaging retreat experiences to discover your legacy stories, one paragraph at a time. Learn More about My Life in Paragraphs.



Personal Historian | Video Producer

April Bell has been capturing people’s life stories in The San Francisco Bay Area and across the U.S. since 2008. Her work has been written about in WIRED,  The New York Times, USA Today, and elsewhere. She is proud co-creator of StoryCatcher® for iOS.

Learn more about her personal storytelling work at

“StoryCatcher® is a wonderful development in the evolution of how we record, structure, and save [video] histories.”

Liz Massey, Professional Oral Historian

"StoryCatcher® is more than a home movie and more than just a slide show. This app allows you to showcase small pieces of your ... life in high quality videos without having to know any of the skills of a video editor!"

Shannon Combs Bennet, The In-depth Genealogist

"Even iPhone apps are being used to create ethical wills. April Bell, who owns a video storytelling business called Tree of Life Legacies, codeveloped the ethical will app StoryCatcher® for iPhone use."

The New York Times, Story: Ethical Wills In The Tech Age